viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2009

Airiños, airiños, aires...

A verdade, tras ler a nova que subiu o Sr. Grandio ao seu Facebook, non podo evitar lembrar un grande extracto de Gulliver, (L.3, cap. 5)

I was complaining of a small fit of the Cholick; upon which my Conductor led me into a Room, where a great Physician resided, who was famous for curing that Disease by contrary Operations from the same Instrument. He had a large Pair of Bellows with a long slender Muzzle of Ivory. This he conveyed eight Inches up the Anus, and drawing in the Wind, he affirmed he could make the Guts as lank as a dried Bladder. But when the Disease was more stubborn and violent, he let in the Muzzle while the Bellows were full of Wind, which he discharged into the Body of the Patient, then withdrew the Instrument to replenish it, clapping his Thumb strongly against the Orifice of the Fundament; and this being repeated three or four Times, the adventitious Wind would rush out, bringing the noxious along with it (like Water put into a Pump), and the Patient recover. I saw him try both Experiments upon a Dog, but could not discern any Effect from the former. After the latter, the Animal was ready to burst, and made so violent a Discharge, as was very offensive to me and my Companions. The Dog died on the Spot, and we left the Doctor endeavouring to recover him by the same Operation.

Impactante, verdade?

Pois a algún famoso poderíalle pasar como ao can do conto, polo que non é mala ocasión para lembrarvos que tendes que participar no Morte_e_destrución'10!

2 Transgresións da máxima de relación:

Unknown dijo...

Menuda animalada a nova... impactante, si.

O estracto adecúase á perfección xD

Vítor Vázquez² dijo...

Eu eso xa o escoitara cando era neno. Non son nada orixinais....

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