sábado, 10 de abril de 2010

Pequenos placeres...

A marca de sopas instantáneas Cup-a-soup fixo unha lista de 50 pequenas cousas que nos aledan a vida...

A lista é esta:

Top 50 greatest little pleasures in life

1.A good night's sleep

2.Finding a forgotten tenner in your pocket

3.Cuddling up with a partner in bed

4.Crying with laughter

5.Having a lie-in

6.Sleeping in newly laundered bedding

7.Getting a bargain

8.Making someone smile

9.Catching up with an old friend

10.Laughing at things that have happened in the past

11.Eating a Sunday roast with your family

12.Someone saying you look nice

13.Curling up on the sofa with a good book and a hot drink or soup

14.Discovering you've lost a few pounds

15.Breakfast in bed

16.Waking up thinking it's a work day and then realising it's the weekend

17.A random person smiling at you in the street

18.Looking through old photo albums

19.Eating a takeaway

20.First snow fall of the year

21.Singing your heart out to your favourite song in car

22.Having lunch with friends

23.Listening to a baby laughing

24.Having a massage

25.Reading a book or listening to your iPod on holiday by the pool

26.Playing in snow

27.Finding a pair of jeans that fit perfectly

28.Being chatted up

29.A girly-night in

30.A pampering session at home

31.The smell of freshly cut grass

32.Sitting in the pub with your friends

33.Looking at a baby asleep in a cot

34.Waking up in a room with an amazing view

35.Clothes shopping

36.Receiving a letter from a friend

37.Fitting into an old pair of jeans again after losing some weight

38.Staying up all night getting to know someone special

39.Your mum's cooking

40.Getting dressed up for a night out

41.Watching a live band

42.Drinking a cold beer after work

43.Browsing in a secondhand book shop

44.Going to the cinema

45.Getting a new hairstyle

46.Your queue being the quickest in the supermarket

47.The cold side of the pillow

48.Watching a DVD

49.Getting tipsy

50.Popping bubble wrap

Que opinades? eu quedome co de durmir nunha cama mudada (6) e o de cantar a canción a berros no coche (21) fáltame o momento da primeira choiva despois do verán.
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